Day 1 vs. Trenton:
I left my house at 3:30 for the 6:00 gate opening. It normally takes 2 hours to get to Altoona. Unforunately, disaster struck. Every graphers night mare is to get stuck in a traffic jam and miss autographs. This is what happened on this day, and I did not get to the stadium until 6:30. I was fuming the whole way down to the dugout as I saw everybodies signed cards and team balls that I had missed. I was still able to snag:
Brett Gardner 1/3 (Weird limit)
Zach Kroenke 6/6
Brett Smith 9/9
Andy Cannizaro 5/14 (Differents + 1 dupe, was really nice)
Aarom Baldiris said no.
After the game charting:
Kip Bouknight 4/4
Ian Kennedy 4/4
I figured this would be it for the day, since it is impossible to do after the game in Altoona (darn fences) but for some reason a lot of the Trenton players were just chilling outside their dugout talking to people. I used this as a golden opportunity to get:
Joba Chamberlain 6/13 (Differents + 2 dupes)
Jason Jones 6/9 (Gave him 3 for his family/friends standing there)
So all-in-all a disasterous day turned out to be a so-so day after getting Joba Chamberlain (my main goal). The highlight of the day, however, was snagging Steven Pearce's homerun in the stands.
Day 2 vs. Bowie:
Another disapointment. The gates are supposed to open an hour before the game, meaning 6. I got there, however, and found out that they had randomly decided to open the gates at 5:30. Grrrr.... I don't think I missed to much. Here are the totals:
Val Majewski 5/18 (differents)
Jeff Fioerentino 5/18 (differents)
Bob McCrory 7/7
Scott McGregor 9/18
Rommie Lewis 6/6
Matt Cepicky 5/5
David Haehnel 9/12 (Don't think he saw the other 3)
Beau Hall 3/3 (Someone yelled for Sing to come over while Beau was signing and Beau went "Yeah right, Brandon Sing signing an autograph. Hahahahaha."
Beau was right, he didn't come over until right after the National Anthem. I managed to hoard off the ushers and get him 2/5 (Differents). I was the only person he signed for.
Steven Pearce 1/1 Game-used homerun ball
Then after I got Luis Munoz 1/1 charting on the new team set.
Rhadames Liz was the staring pitcher so no luck there.
It was just an okay weekend. I missed a lot of guys and there were some weird limits, but I did the best for the circumstances I suppose.

Next up Pawtuckett @ Scranton on the 4th.
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