Yankees pre-game:
Andy Cannizaro 5/5
Steven White 3/6 (Differents)
Charlie Manning 2/2
Colter Bean 2/7 .5/.5 (Had a game-used jersey from earlier this year that came pre-signed so I got him to incribe that up. He also did 2 cards. He was in a hurry. Understandably not in a good mood from getting shelled the night before.)
Raul Chavez 11/11 (Sighed at the rackage.)
Omir Santos 12/12 (See above)
Angel Chavez 2/2
Ross Ohlendorf 7/7
Dave Eiland 1/2
Butch Wynegar 3/9 ("I'm only gonna sign 3 of these right now." Seemed nice though and let me pick which ones I wanted done.)
Chris Basak 3/3 (card, 8x10, and game-used bat. Skills.)
Ben Kozlowski 9/15 (Wont rack for me anymore. Said that all these cards had been in circulation for awhile and he wanted a new card. I pointed out the 2007 team set and he said "Yeah but that's not a real card." Sorry Ben.)
Darren London 1/1 (Trainer. He spilled his coke. Felt sorry for the man.)
Justin Christian 8/8
Juan Francia 7/7 (Like his signature)
Brett Gardner 1/1, 1/1 (Played it safe and got help.)
Philip Hughes 1/6 ("You guys weren't here yesterday. I'll do 1 for everyone I have to go get a rubdown." I can see him having a big ego and being tough in the bigs.)
Erubiel Durazo 1/1 (Jerk. Signed for 3 of 7. I feel just a bit of my pride slipping away having to walk with Erubiel Durazo.)
Steven Jackson 6/6
Eric Duncan 1/1
Chris Britton 4/9 (Did differents because he was running late.)
Sean Henn 9/10 (Didn't notice the 8x10 and I didn't notice he didn't sign it until later.)
Tyler Clippard 2/2 (More starting pitchers should do this.)
Kevin Thompson 3/4 (Did 5/6 for another lady. Random limit.)
then went over to catch Charlotte bus #1. Got big leaged by everyone. Ryan Sweeney, Casey Rogowski, Scott Podsednik, everyone just ignored us. Jason Childers signed for minorleaguetraveler but I couldn't get there in time.
Bus #2 came an hour later and it was more of the same. I did manage to get Gavin Floyd to stop and got him 1/1 on an 8x10 that he liked.
Jason Childers 9/11, 1/1 (Didn't see the stragglers so I quickly handed 1 off to my friend. Came out just to sign for us. Excellent.)
Juan Nieves 9/10 (Didn't see straggler. Horrendous signature. My 1 card might be the worst ever. He gives a very inconsistent scribble.)
Casey Rogowski 3/7 (Nice enough despite the limit.)
Nick Massett 1/1 (8x10)
That was it. Pitiful. Absolutely pitiful.
I spotted Gavin Floyd in his metro-sexual outfit charting and managed to get him 1/1 on a jersey card. I kept my hat down low the whole time.
Gavin Floyd again 1/1 charting
Outside after the game:
It was nuts, 100 people and multiple players coming out at the same time. We were getting turned down left and right. It sucked. 5-6 players would come out at once. One of my more frusturating graphing experiences.
Casey Rogowski 3/3
David Eckstein 1/1, 1/2 (Quiet and did 1 for everyone. Was easy to double up on. Came out with security so I thought we were going to be told that he didn't want to sign.)
Edwardo Sierra 9/9
Gavin Floyd signed again but didn't sign for this one kid about 5 years younger than me with completely different looks who hadn't gotten him yet. His reasoning: "I signed that cool 8x10 earlier for you." Yikes, thought the kid was me.
Wiki Gonzalez 0/3 (Signed for 2 people and then got to me and said no. I followed him and said "Please just 1 more it's for a set." He then yelled at me "NO! MANANA!" Washup Wiki.)
Kenny Kelly 1/2 (Bad signature.)
Vladimir Nunez 0/8 (Got to me and said no. Same thing as Wiki. Too pissed off to beg.)
Tomas Perez 0/9 (Same as above.)
Scott Podsednik 0/1 ("Not today boys.")
Andy Sisco 0/1 ("No.")
Earl Snyder 0/15 ("Not now I've got family here." 3rd turndown from Earl of the day.)
Ryan Sweeney 0/3 ("Not today.")
Danny Richar 0/1 (8x10, "That's not me." Unless MLB.com has the wrong photo of you up then it certainly is.)
Tack Wilson 1/1
Ernie Young 1/2, 1/1 (Skills.)
Then I went back over to the Yankees side to see what I could salvage.
Erubiel Durazo 0/1 (Signed and walked again. Got about 5 this time. Skipped over me. Wouldn't sweetspot for another guy.)
Dave Eiland 1/1
Kevin Thompson 3/4 (Stopped signing halfway through.)
Sean Henn 1/1 (Got the 8x10 done. Kind of funny I would see him in Yankee Stadium less than 12 hours later.)
Eric Duncan and an unidentified player went to the other side of the stadium to hop in Jeff Karstens' get-away car.
Phil Hughes' car was still in the lot when I left at midnight for the 2 hour drive. Would have camped out if I didn't have to be up for Yankee Stadium in the morning.

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