Tri-City @ Williamsport
Day 1:
Joel Chimellis 3/3 (All I had for Tri-City. Sad.)
D'Arby Myers 11/16 (Gave him 5. I like D'Arby but he is WEIRD. Don't go up to him with only 1 or 2 cards because he will ask your name, and write it real big over his facsimilie signature. No "To Dan" or anything just "DAN" written real big over the facsimilie. Its not so you cant sell it, it's just D'Arby being D'Arby, but it looks horrible. My friend also came up to him with a Shaquille O'Neal shirt today (his cousin) and said "Hey D'Arby look at this shirt." Before my friend could move D'Arby took a pen and signed the shirt, right over the chest really big. If D'Arby ever signed my shirt, on my chest, while I was wearing it, randomly, I may have to stop asking for his autograph.)
Jerry Martin 18/18, 4/4 (Help, Phillies rover, machine)
Greg Legg 3/6 (I'll get the rest later....This man is killing me. Jerry Martin will sign 18 but Legger will only sign 3. Apparently he will sign 1 for every game be played in the 1988 season!)
Bill Bliss 9/9
Also got 10 guys on this Meet the Team thing in the local newspaper. It will look nice when I'm done with it.
Ken Dominguez 5/5
Day 2:
This was one of those games where you just went because it was 5 minutes from your house.
Tommy Cruz - 1/1 IC (Brother of Jose, Uncle of Jose Jr., 2 cups of coffee with the Cardinals and White Sox. He was here for his son.)
And the big cheese of the night:
Greg Legg 3/4 (I just hold my head and weep...)
Day 3:
Had nothing for Tri-City so I broke out a team sheet and got 18 on it. Tri-City literally lines up to sign for you.
I then spotted Jeff Bittiger, who is a scout and has cards from 1989. I got him 6/15 (Weird, he got 3 89 Bowmans and 3 89 Scores but 0 89 Topps and 0 80 Upper Decks. This would simply not suffice. He said "There, I signed enough for you." Straight from the school of Gregory Legg!)I got some help and got 3/9, 3/3, 3/3. At least I got them all done...
Post game:
Mike Durant 1/1 Grand Slam ball I got during the game, 15/18 cards (gave him 3).
Then I took a break from graphing due to other obligations. Obviously nothing can be as important as adding 18 more Joe Borchard's to my collection, but you got to do what you got to do.
I did not graph again until July 15th.
Hudson Valley @ Williamsport
I only swung by for post-game and couldn't get my Hudson Valley cards prepped in time so I just did Williamsport.
Mike Durant 2/2
D'Arby Myers 18/18 (gave him 5)
How honored I am to add these 2 fine fellows to my collection once again.
I came back on the 16th and this time I was ready.
Ozzie Timmons 6/6 (Slow signer, but does have a nice signature. He kept telling people who had more than 2 or 3 that they should mail them. When he saw me go up to Shawn O'Malley, note he only saw 2 pages of 9 not the whole shabang, he said "That is not respectful to Shawn. You need to mail these cards so he can sign them on his own time." Nice, but weird.)
Rafael Montalvo 1/1
Shawn O'Malley 92/92 (Nicest guy ever. I got to explain to him what a 50/50 was and he was awesome to sign them all. He's only batting .200 though, but I hope he progresses because he defiantely deserves to.)
Then I headed over to Williamsport's side.
Bill Bliss 8/9 (Gave him 1)
Abel Gomez 13/13 (2nd signed printing plate ever)
Scott Mitchinson 2/2 (New guy, Williamsport has so many guys with cards. I love it.)
D'Arby Myers 18/18 (gave him 5)
Edgar Garcia 18/18
Very nice day. Probably the most quantity I've ever gotten at a Penn League game.

Next up will be Charlotte @ Scranton on Saturday. I will try my best to update Saturday night but I can't promise anything because I'll be going to Yankee Stadium on Sunday so I can get 2 autographs and sit in uncomfortable seats.
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